Contributor Guidelines
What Kinds of Stories Do We Print? Entertaining reading. Relaxing armchair reading. People-based stories that describe why life in Wisconsin is truly great. News on events or destinations is generally not printed. Such material is often included secondarily within feature stories, in photo captions, or on “sidelines” that appear in our page margins. Present-day stories are our primary thrust, but fond recollections of “the good old days” in Wisconsin are also welcome. We don’t print fiction, poetry or book reviews.
To Send an Item by postal mail, clearly print your name, address and daytime phone number on your letter. Include this information, too, if sending by e-mail. Brief items of a few paragraphs in length are welcome; for those we print, we send a thank-you gift of a freshly baked Amish pie. Feature stories should be no longer than 700 words. We pay a modest fee for full-length articles of a page or more printed in the magazine. Sharp photos of the people mentioned in your story should accompany when possible.
To Send a Photo: submit only high-quality prints or high-resolution digital images. We cannot reprint from photocopies. If sending prints, write your name in pencil, lightly on the backs. If you’re sending irreplaceable family photos, consider scanning a duplicate to keep prior to sending. We cannot use prints that have been damaged or not sharply focused. Identify persons in the photo where possible and note year taken.
Digital Photos may be e-mailed to us. Our printing standards require high-resolution images, which means a photo file 1 megabyte in size or larger.
If You Want Material Returned, include SASE. We cannot make returns without it. If you wish to receive confirmation we’ve received your material, include an SASE.
Submissions May be Sent to: Our Wisconsin, 5301 Townline Rd., Suite 4, Manitowish Waters, WI 54545.
Or e-mail to: editors@OurWisconsinMag.com
Please Include Complete Contact Information for all submissions,
whether sent by paper mail or e-mail. Sometimes we have questions and
may need to reach you. Include name, full postal address, phone number
and e-mail address.
How can I become an Our Wisconsin Field Editor?
Field Editors are not paid staff, but volunteers. They serve as “our eyes and ears” in the counties where they live, sending tips on stories and often writing or shooting photos themselves.
Field editors’ submissions that are published qualify for the same compensation described above.
If you are interested in serving as an Our Wisconsin Field Editor, check
the latest magazine for a list of open counties. To learn more, e-mail